And the walls crash down
And the sky
And the impossible
Held for one moment I remember a song
An impression of sound
Then everything is gone
Sorry. It's been stuck in my head since I got up.
Pictures from last night. Top two are Port O'Brien, last one is they guy from the Dodos. Cracking show last night, with both bands on top form. Port O' Brien were the better of the two for me, songs and perfromance wise. Reminded me of The Meat Puppets at their most rocking. Two of their guitarists had excellent beards. And again, they had a beautiful girl keyboardist (not pictured). I think I have a problem with that. I'm a keyboard-fox-aholic. The Indelicates. Black Kids. M83. Port O' Brien. This is a recurring pattern that I may only be able to break by actually going out with a keyboard player. I chatted to one of their beardier members, Josh at the end of the night. He's a good sort. Said they might try to sneak in a festival at the end of the summer. Excellent.
Dodos were also very good, but felt forced at times. Technically, they were incredible; and the singer had an interesting two mic set up to let him harmonise his own vocals. And the percussion set up was also a bit odd. In addition to drums and other percussion, their percussionist kept rhythm by hitting a miked up bin, ala Oscar the Grouch. Very big booming sound he got from it too. And they held the crowd in the palms of their hand for ninety minutes or so. But they're not world beaters yet, they need more material. They'll hit full stride in the next year or so I think.
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